Joe's Blog
Some people of the “powers that be” have an idea of the type of leadership they want to place in the unions these days. They look for pawns who can ingratiate and work with the rank and file and who will be beholden to them at the same time.
A terrible position in which to be placed and very ruthless and inconsiderate behavior on the part of those we have been raised to respect and look up to for our leadership. BOTTOM LINE, lots of my paperwork has been sent to all of the proper avenues of recourse for an individual in my position now. The Senate Governmental Affairs Committee asked me for the information years ago and sent it to the Washington and San Francisco FBI offices. No answer from anyone. Joseph Russoniello is the US Attorney here and in San Francisco and has been for a long time on and off. He is close to the University of San Francisco, formerly Archbishop Levada of San Francisco and now Cardinal Levada in the Vatican.
These so-called players along with “rightist” elements from some unlikely directions are responsible for this mess. I am not a “righty” or a “lefty” I attempt to analyze issues from as much a sense of integrity and justice as I can muster. This is very convoluted, and, if you would, quite a conspiracy in its own right. What is crying out loud here is some of the people who are supposed to be watching out for the criminals and dispensing justice are the same people who are trying to get things done by using and violating an innocent person’s civil rights. I was drafted into the “army’ with no say because my Father’s name provided a useful tool to place someone in a Union after the Union had already cheated me out of a B book through their “permissive rule” registration. There is no honest direction, it seems. Can you help me or point me to some direction of integrity in this type of matter. Thank you.
I would like an opportunity to share with you my experience with the corrupted, if it may be said, interwoven, and business incestuous relationship between the Pacific Maritime Association, the so-called “progressive” ILWU, and other elements of the “system.” As a graduate of the Jesuit University of San Francisco (USF), I was duped, conned, manipulated, and lacking enough political savvy, naively became ensconced with major participants thereof. The use of forms of “legal” blackmail and economic deprivation to force someone to fulfill a political errand is not something to which anyone would want to be exposed.
This is Union, possibly, whose hierarchy is cozier with the employer than those who work for a living, and those who believe in the ILWU’s reputation, are willing to admit. The “last great rust belt union” and an “injury to one is an injury to all” have long been a couple of popular descriptions of the ILWU. It really is “I got mine, you get yours.” Fat cats do not catch mice! What a Harry Bridges legacy!
A person used as a pawn could have information that is too damaging and revealing to be brought to light. One must live with the constant attempts to control and discredit the pawn. If the cast of characters, players if you will, is exposed the picture is very clear. Disgusting. There is a great deal of hypocrisy within the framework of the “system” here.
I have, as a whistleblower, been blacklisted, falsely arrested, and harassed for a long period of time. I do have corroborating evidence, particularly paperwork relative to my being registered as a longshoreman under the ILWU-PMA “permissive rule” Coast Labor Relations Committee (CLRC) Item 21-62 Item 2J for sons, and now of course daughters, of deceased longshoreman almost twenty years after my Father’s death, and after years of being repeatedly denied, in writing, as untimely under the same rule. My Father passed away in 1968, his plug number in Local 10 was 4075. To my knowledge an unprecedented situation of which few or none will speak or comment. An embarrassment to all parties concerned. If am able to communicate with someone like yourself who is reputedly objectively honest then I would look forward to the opportunity. My name is Joe Gianforte, formerly A book #8724 ILWU Local 10. This local is in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area.
My telephone number is (510) 614-2763 and my E-mail is [email protected]. Thank you.
A terrible position in which to be placed and very ruthless and inconsiderate behavior on the part of those we have been raised to respect and look up to for our leadership. BOTTOM LINE, lots of my paperwork has been sent to all of the proper avenues of recourse for an individual in my position now. The Senate Governmental Affairs Committee asked me for the information years ago and sent it to the Washington and San Francisco FBI offices. No answer from anyone. Joseph Russoniello is the US Attorney here and in San Francisco and has been for a long time on and off. He is close to the University of San Francisco, formerly Archbishop Levada of San Francisco and now Cardinal Levada in the Vatican.
These so-called players along with “rightist” elements from some unlikely directions are responsible for this mess. I am not a “righty” or a “lefty” I attempt to analyze issues from as much a sense of integrity and justice as I can muster. This is very convoluted, and, if you would, quite a conspiracy in its own right. What is crying out loud here is some of the people who are supposed to be watching out for the criminals and dispensing justice are the same people who are trying to get things done by using and violating an innocent person’s civil rights. I was drafted into the “army’ with no say because my Father’s name provided a useful tool to place someone in a Union after the Union had already cheated me out of a B book through their “permissive rule” registration. There is no honest direction, it seems. Can you help me or point me to some direction of integrity in this type of matter. Thank you.
I would like an opportunity to share with you my experience with the corrupted, if it may be said, interwoven, and business incestuous relationship between the Pacific Maritime Association, the so-called “progressive” ILWU, and other elements of the “system.” As a graduate of the Jesuit University of San Francisco (USF), I was duped, conned, manipulated, and lacking enough political savvy, naively became ensconced with major participants thereof. The use of forms of “legal” blackmail and economic deprivation to force someone to fulfill a political errand is not something to which anyone would want to be exposed.
This is Union, possibly, whose hierarchy is cozier with the employer than those who work for a living, and those who believe in the ILWU’s reputation, are willing to admit. The “last great rust belt union” and an “injury to one is an injury to all” have long been a couple of popular descriptions of the ILWU. It really is “I got mine, you get yours.” Fat cats do not catch mice! What a Harry Bridges legacy!
A person used as a pawn could have information that is too damaging and revealing to be brought to light. One must live with the constant attempts to control and discredit the pawn. If the cast of characters, players if you will, is exposed the picture is very clear. Disgusting. There is a great deal of hypocrisy within the framework of the “system” here.
I have, as a whistleblower, been blacklisted, falsely arrested, and harassed for a long period of time. I do have corroborating evidence, particularly paperwork relative to my being registered as a longshoreman under the ILWU-PMA “permissive rule” Coast Labor Relations Committee (CLRC) Item 21-62 Item 2J for sons, and now of course daughters, of deceased longshoreman almost twenty years after my Father’s death, and after years of being repeatedly denied, in writing, as untimely under the same rule. My Father passed away in 1968, his plug number in Local 10 was 4075. To my knowledge an unprecedented situation of which few or none will speak or comment. An embarrassment to all parties concerned. If am able to communicate with someone like yourself who is reputedly objectively honest then I would look forward to the opportunity. My name is Joe Gianforte, formerly A book #8724 ILWU Local 10. This local is in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area.
My telephone number is (510) 614-2763 and my E-mail is [email protected]. Thank you.